African Religion in the Dialogue Debate: From Intolerance to Coexistence.
Africa, Religion, Dialogue, Intolerance, CoexistenceAbstract
Rev. Dr. Laurenti Magesa is one of the leading African Theologians of our time. He has, for many years, dedicated his life to advance a theology pertinent to Africa and to Africans in general. He has published widely in this area. Rev. Dr. Magesa is a Catholic priest whose vast experience in pastoral challenges surrounding our people informs his writings. Currently, Rev. Dr. Magesa is a Senior Lecturer in Af-rican Theology at the Maryknoll Institute of African Studies and Hekima Jesuit School of Theology, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. Thus, from him we receive yet another new intellectually and pastorally engaging book: African Religion in the Dialogue Debate: From Intolerance to Coexistence.
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