About the Journal
Hekima Review is an inter-disciplinary academic peer-reviewed journal of Hekima University College, the Jesuit School of Theology and Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations in Nairobi, Kenya. It has been continuously published since 1988, serving as a medium for genuine debate and scientific studies on contemporary theology, governance, peace studies, international relations, events and issues in the African Church and society. It is widely read by academics, students, and others who are seriously interested in theological reflection and development of African Christian Theology, peace and security, and authentic leadership in the African context. It is currently published bi-annually, in May and December.
Aims and Objectives
Hekima Review aims to create an international forum for constructive dialogue between professional theological writers and theologically literate readers by disseminating scholarly reflections, critical discussions and informed views on theological and related matters in Africa. It also hopes to contribute to the mission of the African and universal Church, particularly in the proclamation of the gospel, the struggle for justice and the development of peoples. Thus, it seeks to foster discernment on ways towards the integral development of humanity and to focus attention on authentic human values.
The scope of Hekima Review includes, but is not limited to, Biblical exegesis, hermeneutics and methodologies, African biblical interpretations, African Ethics and Moral Theology; African Churches, Religions and Religious Movements; African Feminist and Liberationist Theologies; Ecumenical /Interreligious Dialogue and Relations in Africa; Culture and Religion in Africa, Inculturation and Contextual Forms of Christianity in Africa; Contemporary Economic and Socio-Political Issues in Africa; African Governance; Peace and Conflict Resolution in Africa.
Guidelines for Contributors
Hekima Review welcomes original contributions to theology, peace studies, international relations, and related disciplines that address questions of cultural, religious, and social significance.
Manuscripts submitted for publication should not exceed 6,000 words and should be accompanied by an abstract of between 100 and 150 words. Texts should be neatly typed in English using Microsoft Word. Standardised Referencing (footnotes and bibliography) should follow the Chicago (Turabian) manual of style.
Hekima Review uses an anonymous double-blind peer-reviewed process involving members of the Editorial Board who are experts in the particular field concerned. Contributors will be provided with a summary of the comments given by reviewers.
Hekima Review does not accept manuscripts that have been previously published or are already being considered for publication elsewhere.
The Review employs a plagiarism detection system to ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts. Therefore, by submitting your article to Hekima Review, you accept that your article may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
Before publishing an article in Hekima Review, the author(s) is expected to fill out, sign, and send a scanned copy of the author’s consent admission form. Hekima Review cannot publish an author’s work without a signed copy of the author’s consent admission.
Subscribers and Subscription
Hekima Review has individual and institutional subscribers from Africa and around the world. Subscriptions by cheque are payable to Hekima University College.
Copyright and Copying (in any format)
All rights reserved. No part of any Hekima Review publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission, in writing, from the Board of Hekima Review.