The Church as Family in Africa: A Renewed Debate and Modern Challenge to Christianity
Church, Family, Africa, Challenge, ChristianityAbstract
Problematizing the idea of church as family in Africa today is inevitable in an African ecclesiology. The concept of “family” is both a hermeneutical key for inculturaltion and also a model of being church in Africa. Going from the person of Jesus Christ, the Ujamaa and Palaver models of church as family can be developed and lived in such a way that the church becomes a locus for dialogue, healing – physical and spiritual – and an active protagonist of sustainable development. It is also a place for education through the word and the ear. Nevertheless, this church is challenged by an anthropological poverty, “la pauperisation anthropologique” which justifies the misery in the church. The parish, a family of families, can be the place where some of these challenges are met through sharing the joys and sorrows of the day-to-day Christian calling
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