Quand Roland-Roger devient sourd ! Engagement chrétien en Afrique dans un contexte d’anarchie démocratico-révolutionnaire et de ‘dogalisation’ de l’homme
Engagement, Christianisme, Afrique, Anarchie, DémocratieAbstract
The African context appears as a strange combination of anarchy with elements of democracy and revolution. It is characterized above all by dehumanization and anthropological poverty. These last years, more than ever, the West has intervened in Africa to change political systems. Sometimes, this intervention has taken the appearance of humanitarian aid to victims of war or natural catastrophies. Whatever be its justification, this intervention raises the question of the independence of Africa and puts questions to Theologians and Christians in Africa. How should they commit themselves in this context? Flowing as a long poem in prose, to the rhythm of the traditional balafon, this article examines this complex question and opens the way to further reflections on African Theology of Liberation and Inculturation.
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