Juda wird Aufsteigen, Untersuchungen zum ersten Kapitel des RichterbuchesAbstract
[Judah shall rise! Investigations in the first chapter of the Book of Judges]: Rake dedicates her doctoral dissertation to research in Judg
1. Dating and determining the chronology of events (organization of the material) in the transition from Joshua to Judges are two
major problems in this chapter. e author shares the view that the period of the Judges, typical of an “epoch” [CH 7], is nevertheless
not to be sought within the period of Israel’s history but rather in the historiographical construction independent of how much or how
less of historical information the book contains (p.134). Judges is a secondary literary construction to bridge the original account of the
Land Conquest in Josh and the period of kings in Sam – Kgs (p.135), giving Israel’s history a negative and a positive perspective. e period of activity of each Judge others a motivation to greater expectation in the possibilities of the kingship. The redactor has thus offered continuity in Israel’s “saving history” by bringing together in Judg 1 both the end of the conquest and the beginning of the period of the kings.
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