The ministries of the Church: Where is the Place for Women?
Women, Africa, theologyAbstract
The author of this article holds that the issue of the place, role, function, image... of women in the Catholic Church is a buming theological, pastoral, and ecumenical question which cannot be resolved solely through disciplinary ecclesiastical regulations. It remains without the slightest doubt an open question. The author takes a brief but enlightening look at the history of the issues involved. This history stretches from the time of the Ancient Philosophers through the Patristic era to contemporary time. Obviously, the thorny question -or the taboo phrase-- is "ordination of women to the ministerial priesthood." Without delving into this taboo domain, he brings the issues involved nearer home to Africa, particularly as they affect African women Christians. The inferences and practical suggestions proffered in this article are a positive contribution and a meaningful response to the problem.
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