Time – greater than Space: Understanding marriage in Igbo culture in the light of Amoris Laetitia
Time, marriageAbstract
The rate at which divorce is pronounced in the courtrooms nowadays is quite alarming. It makes one to ask: what is the essence of getting married? In a world that is fast evolving in terms of civilisation and human integration, it seems the most fundamental essence of our being, which is family, is tearing apart. Parish priests are troubled by the faith of the divorced and re-married, the church is being swallowed by marital problems and the need for a doctrinal reformation is at stake. The Igbo people, just like every other
ethnic group is not exempted from this unwholesome reality. Marriage is no longer a community issue, but a personal decision. e biblical injunction: what God has joined together, let no one put asunder” is being tossed with. Which way our people? Does the church as a moral authority (institution) provide an answer to this? Can an Igbo man be able to understand the essence of marital living in Amoris Laetitia?
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