The Woundedness of Single Mothers and Church’s Response
Single Mothers, Church’s ResponseAbstract
The central argument of this paper is that most single mothers are wounded and broken. Their woundedness is too deep to be described in here as it involves their personal lived human experience. However, their pain is vast and profound to equate it with love,
tenderness and compassion. ey undergo too much woundedness as they live and raise their family single-handedly. Pope Francis speaks generally about the actual family situation in order to keep the family grounded in reality. This is in accordance with the Church’s teaching on marriage and family as paving the way to dedication of perfect love in marriage. This will be an appropriate approach that can guide the families in harmony with God’s plan in raising their children as God requires. Amoris Laetitia speaks briefly about single mothers. The paper examines the definition of single motherhood, family and marriage. It further discusses the place of single mothers in the society and how they come about. It also describes the challenges that the single mothers and their children face with their stigmatization
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