Challenges of Faith-Based Interventions to Mitigate Effects of Interethnic Conflict: A Case Study of Njoro Sub-County, Kenya.


  • Pharis Murangai Muthoni Author


Religion, Ethnic, Conflict


This article assesses the opportunities and challenges faced by faith-based interventions against inter-ethnic conflicts, using Njoro Sub-county as a case study.1 Faith-based initiatives have played an active role to mitigate the effects of the interethnic conflict in the sub-county. These initiatives included provisions of material and psychosocial support for those affected by the conflict. A section of the population in the sub-county, however, observe that some of the interventions appeared biased along ethnic identities 
and, thus, contributed to the escalation of mistrust and of the very interethnic tensions they intend to remove. While some interventions help, therefore, some others catalysed the violence. Some of the officials involved in the provision of these interventions had limited conflict resolution and prevention skills. Cases of politicians meddling with faith-based interventions were mentioned. This paper, therefore, seeks to appraise the role played by faith-based interventions in mitigating effects of interethnic conflict, the limiting factors, and proposals on how to address the limitations. 


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How to Cite

Challenges of Faith-Based Interventions to Mitigate Effects of Interethnic Conflict: A Case Study of Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. (2020). Hekima Review .