“So, Every Good Tree Bears Good Fruit....” (Matthew 7:17)
From the fertile soil of Africa, the Hekima tree of theology continues to absorb its nutrients. Now matured and ripe from that tree are the fruits offered to you in this issue of Hekima Review. It is a basket of ten articles, six book reviews and a poem on the HIV/AIDS situation in Africa. This assortment of articles has as its essential focus ‘The relevance of Theology in Africa Today’. Like the trained scribe of Matthew (13:52) we draw from the old harvest of the last Hekima Theological Week of January this year. From that treasure, we present in our SYMPOSIUM COLUMN the reflections of two renowned theologians. Aylward Shorter, a prolific writer on African theology, reveals the challenges of “Theology and the New Religious Movements”. Aware of the social intricacies of those movements in Africa, Professor Mugambi maps out a game plan for“African Christian Theologians and the Reconstruction of Africa
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