Le démoniaque de Gérasene
The healing of the Gerasene demoniac is the most spectacular and famous healing miracle in Mark gospel. This article through a narrative analysis of this episode tries to show that what is at stake in this miracle, is not the healing of the man, but the identity of Jesus and his mission. The revelation of the identity of Jesus as the ‘Son of the most high’ and his announcement among Gentiles, is much more emphasized than the healing of the demoniac man. The healing of the demoniac of Gerasene, serves the purpose of the gospel of Mark, to show that Jesus is the ‘‘Son of God’’(Mc 1,1), and offers an opportunity to study this gospel. The Christological emphasis of this miracle leads to understanding that in our continent where so many people suffer from sicknesses and diseases and rush to churches in search of healing, this must not be sought for itself but with the aim to come to an encounter with Jesus
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